Empower Your Faith, Learn Quran Online with Us


Empower Your Faith, Learn Quran Online with Us

Begin Learning Quran Now in 3 Easy Steps

Begin Learning Quran Now in 3 Easy Steps

Introducing yourself or your loved ones to the teachings of the holy Quran has never been easier. That’s why Noorulquran Academy has streamlined an incredibly user-friendly online registration process. You can follow these straightforward steps to kickstart your learning experience.

Click “Register Online”:

Simply click on the “Register Online” button, and a dedicated online registration tab will open. Input your essential details like name, address, and contact information. Once you’ve provided these basic credentials, your registration process will be complete.

Schedule a Free Trial:

Upon receiving your registration request, we’ll reach out to you to coordinate a convenient time for your free trial class. Additionally, we’ll walk you through our Quran teaching process and provide insights into our organization.

Embark on Your Holy Journey with the First Class:

Initiate your Quranic learning journey by logging in with the credentials we supply and start your first class with our experienced Quran teachers.

Click “Register Online”:

Simply click on the “Register Online” button, and a dedicated online registration tab will open. Input your essential details like name, address, and contact information. Once you’ve provided these basic credentials, your registration process will be complete.

Schedule a Free Trial:

Upon receiving your registration request, we’ll reach out to you to coordinate a convenient time for your free trial class. Additionally, we’ll walk you through our Quran teaching process and provide insights into our organization.

Embark on Your Holy Journey with the First Class:

Initiate your Quranic learning journey by logging in with the credentials we supply and start your first class with our experienced Quran teachers.

Brief Overview of Noorulquran Academy

Brief Overview of Noorulquran Academy

Noorulquran Academy operates as a self-contained organization overseen by a committed team of professionals. Our doors are open to individuals from all backgrounds, embracing the opportunity to impart the teachings of the holy Quran and the tenets of Islam without discrimination based on race, color, or caste. Our primary goal is to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of our faith, fostering the development of a stronger Ummah and contributing to the creation of a more harmonious world. Our user-friendly procedures, individualized attention to each student, flexible scheduling, and personalized one-on-one sessions characterize our commitment to providing an accessible and enriching learning experience for all.


Join our Online Quran Academy for comprehensive learning with Tajweed, flexible schedules, and experienced teachers. Learn comfortably from home, stay connected during holidays, and make swift progress towards fluency. Experience transformative Quran learning at your convenience.


Why Choose Us

Our Packages

Our Packages

Package 1

3 Days / Week

12 Classes/Month

£39 GBP


Package 2

5 Days / Week

20 Classes/Month

£49 GBP


Package 3

Weekend Classes

8 Classes/Month

£35 GBP


Package 1

3 Days / Week

12 Classes/Month

£39 GBP


Package 2

5 Days / Week

20 Classes/Month

£49 GBP


Package 3

Weekend Classses

8 Classes/Month

£35 GBP


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